Sweet Adelines Performed at the Leon Historical 1836 Church

The Chautauqua Shores Chapter of Sweet Adelines Performed at the Leon Historical 1836 Church on October 16, 2010. We received the following about the Sweet Adelines of Chautauqua Shores.
Sweet Adelines International is 65 years old. There are Sweet Adeline chapters all over the world, and choruses and quartets get together for a convention and competition each year. No matter the native language, competition songs have to be sung in English.
The Chautauqua Shores chapter of Sweet Adelines was initiated by Helen Vaughn Lippert, deceased. Through radio and newspaper contacts interested women began meeting to sing and go about forming a new chapter. It took more than three years to obtain a charter, which began in 1991. Members come from three counties, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Warren, PA. The Chautauqua Shores members range in age from 40 to 85 years old, although younger members are more than welcome. The Sweet Adelines are required to take part in a regional contest every three years and must remain a certain level of competence to be allowed to perform in public.
The Chautauqua Shores Sweet Adelines practice every Monday at 7 p.m. and the First Congregational Church in Jamestown, NY, using the 4th Street parking lot entrance. Any woman, from any age group, who loves to sing is invited to come to a practice. As a chorus, they sing acapella 4-part harmony including gospel, patriotic, show tunes, seasonal numbers, uptunes, etc. They also have small groups that perform in quartets from time to time.
The Chautauqua Shores Sweet Adelines are now booking arrangements for Christmas. Please call ahead early. To set a time, and arrange compensation for services, please call Claudia Wittenbrook at 716-962-8411. They perform for many audiences including: weddings, churches, senior citizen groups, nursing care facilities, singing birthday wishes, singing valentines, civic organizations and club functions.
We found the Chautauqua Shores Sweet Adelines chapter website at www.saregion16.com/dbpage.php?pg=view&dbase=choruses&id=9
The international site has a great video page to learn more and to listen to them sing! Check it out at www.sweetadelineintl.org/videos.cfm
We have to get them to one of the upcoming events in the Enchanted Mountains!
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